When you invest, what you are doing is buying an interest in the business. If you accept that framework and that lens, it will drive everything you do in terms of analysis or figuring out what the business is worth.
The Tweedy, Browne Value Fund invests primarily in US and foreign equity securities that the Adviser believes are undervalued. Investments are focused in developed markets. The Fund seeks to reduce currency risk by hedging its perceived foreign currency exposure back into the US dollar where practicable.
As of September 30, 2024, Tweedy, Browne’s current Managing Directors, one of our retired principals, current employees, and their immediate family members had more than $296.2 million invested in our Funds, including approximately $106.1 million in the Value Fund. Investment Committee members have spent between 8 and 50 years working at Tweedy, Browne. No member of our Management Committee has ever left the firm except for the reason of retirement.
We believe the key to being successful as a value investor in the long term is a willingness to accept the near-term randomness that goes on in markets.
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